Smile Emoticons and Smileys


Smile or happy face
Yahoo Smile or happy face Emoticon

A quicker way of typing the commonly used :-) expression.


Smile or happy face
Facebook Smile or happy face Emoticon

A fun smile emoticon that is a variation of the common :) smiley.


Smile or happy face
Facebook Smile or happy face Emoticon

Classic smile with nose. This smiley face is one of the most commonly used emoticons. It represents happiness and is often used to show appreciation or good humor.


Smile or happy face
Facebook Smile or happy face Emoticon

A quicker way of typing the commonly used :-) expression.


Smile or happy face
Facebook Smile or happy face Emoticon

A fun smile emoticon that is a variation of the common :) smiley.


Smile or happy face
Google Smile or happy face Emoticon

A fun smile emoticon that is a variation of the common :) smiley.


Smile or happy face
Google Smile or happy face Emoticon

Classic smile with nose. This smiley face is one of the most commonly used emoticons. It represents happiness and is often used to show appreciation or good humor.


Smile or happy face
Google Smile or happy face Emoticon

A quicker way of typing the commonly used :-) expression.
